3 Beginner’s Tips For New Concealed Carriers
Got Your Back? Always!
At iconcealed.com we never want our new concealed carry members to feel like they’ve been forgotten!
Which is why we’re offering these tips to make your life-enhancing transition from non-carry to concealed-carry a whole lot smoother.
Know Thy CCW, Know Thyself
There’s an old saying that “familiarity breeds contempt” …
… but in the case of those who carry a CCW, it’s just the opposite!
Become familiar with EVERY ASPECT of your concealed carry system, including your:
— weapon of choice
— ammo of choice
— holster of choice
— clothing of choice
— behavior of choice
First of all, you will probably never experience a situation so bad that you’ll feel compelled to draw your weapon.
Even so, it’s important to be prepared for a so-called worst-case-scenario… and that begins with being familiar with every little detail of your CCW system.
Choosing to concealed carry comes with responsibilities, like knowing how to use your weapon safely and how to actually keep it concealed. So with that in mind, here’s our top 3 tips for beginners:
1 – Don’t Be So Obvious
If you act like you’re carrying a gun, then expect others to know you’re carrying too!
Chill. Don’t act weird. Don’t act nervous.
Don’t act like you have a gun strapped to your hip.
Stop messing with your shirt. Stop fidgeting. Stop obsessing.
No one has x-ray vision. Strangers can’t see the gun under your shirt.
No one can read your mind, which, often in the case of beginners, goes something like this…
“…oh man, WHY is that guy looking at me?” “… stop looking at me!” “…how does he KNOW I’m carrying???”
As long as you’re obeying the law, you’re cool.
2 – Rehearse At Home Before Going Out in Public
Take your gun/holster combo for a test run in the privacy of your own abode before you assume everything works in the public sphere.
Jump (especially if you carry concealed at your local sports bar)!
Become intimately aware of how you look and feel doing these basic movements in public while carrying concealed.
Make sure there are no signs of “printing” — telltale gun bulges or outlines.
3 – Practice Makes Perfect
Make sure your CCW gear is ready for prime time before assuming it is.
Make sure you have tested it out and feel comfortable with it in public.
Preparedness is key to safety and survival.
For you AND for the public who are counting on you not to act like an idiot or become a loose cannon.
Remember, responsible gun ownership means using your weapon only as a last resort!
At iconcealed.com we know that if you choose to carry concealed, it is your responsibility to also make sure you have the right training, right mindset, and right legal requirements.