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Best Places To Put Gun Safe In Your Vehicle 1

6 Places To Conceal a Weapon in Your Car

When it comes to hiding guns in vehicles, iconcealed.com has a few suggestions that might make it easier to store your stash.

Okay, let’s take a look to see how we can make your ride an arsenal on wheels, shall we?

1 – Center Console: 

Remove the screws holding it to the floor, lift-up, and check out the area underneath that can house a handgun.  Pretty nifty, huh?center console concealed weapon

back seat bucket2 – Seat Backs: 

The back of the seats has a cover that snaps onto the seat.  This compartment will conceal a firearm and ammo and no one will be the wiser.  Easy access, tools not required!


3 – Beneath Seats:

Two words: duct tape!

4 – Glove Compartment: 

Captain Obvious uses his glove box, but what the heck.  It’s perfectly acceptable in a pinch.

5 – Behind Radio:

For the really adventurous, this is a cool one.  The radio has four holes in the corners.  Insert a wire coat hanger in these holes and the entire stereo slides out, leaving a huge hole to hide your goodies.behind radio weapon

trunk concealed weapons

6 – Everywhere Else:

Bumpers have cavities that will comfortably hold a long gun.

Fender wells, ditto.

Air cleaner box, double ditto.

Trunk?  Nah, too obvious.  But hey, if you’re stuck, pull the carpet lining/cardboard backing away from the trunk sides. Ta-da!