First Person Shooters – Top 5 Video Game Guns
WOW Factor Weapons – Gamers Only
Guns are a big deal to gamers, providing new and imaginative first person shooter experiences. Arsenals provide the connective tissue between the real world and fantasy gunplay. That said, we’ve selected our TOP 5 in-game weapons of choice and present them to you here…
This WWII semi-automatic rifle was popular among German sharpshooters. Military marksmen used this bad boy to provide cover fire for troops on the frontline. If you’re a fan of Call of Duty and Wolfenstein, you’ll appreciate the thrill of (virtually) wielding this weapon of war.
Desert Eagle
This monster Israeli handgun makes every gamer feel the same thing: SIZE MATTERS! Gamers must love it because it’s everywhere, from Call of Duty to Uncharted. In real life, not so much. This flashy .50 cannon is way too heavy, expensive and unreliable to be of much use to anyone but Scarface wannabes and those trying to compensate (if you know what I mean). Yes, it’s cool to look at and, coupled with the appropriate gamer audio, rates high on the gun porn periodic table.
The Skorpion is a Cold War fav wielded by Soviet-type soldiers in games like Far Cry 5, Call of Duty, Fallout Tactics and Combat Arms. Primarily used by tank crews, it was a banana-clip must-have for personal defense and troops stationed “in the rear with the gear.” Of course, the AK-47 is much preferred for frontline combatants but can’t compete with the Skorpion’s badass looks and badass spelling.
Heckler & Koch G11
Special ops gamers love the uber-cool H&K G11 rifle. It’s sleek, packs a punch, and fires super-fast bursts. In real life though, it never made it out of the prototype phase due to having the pesky habit of firing uncontrollably. Yep, blowing through an entire magazine even if the operator didn’t mean for that to happen was a bit of a problem. But hey, that same fatal flaw makes for a fun ride in the virtual world, so who cares?
Walther Arms WA-2000
No list would be complete without at least one sniper rifle. And this one’s a doozy, making the gamer scene in Hitman and Rainbow 6. The WA-2000 is super-accurate, super-deadly, and a tad on the pricey side, making them practically non-existent in any real life militia. Collectors dig ’em for their sexy, elite, high-end look and feel. Less than a couple hundred are actually out there, but in fantasy-land, they’re everywhere!