Hey Buddy, Can You Spare a Mag?
Spare Me
There are some very good reasons for carrying an extra magazine and the team at iconcealed.com is ready to weigh in on the pros and cons.
The difference between living and dying being at the very top of the list.
That said, let’s break it down, shall we?
First of all, if you’re forced to deploy your concealed carry in a self-defensive situation, there’s a better than average chance you’ll need more ammunition than just what you loaded in your pistol.
Obviously, when it comes to revolvers, this is a no-brainer. But even if you have a 17-round semi-auto, you can still come up short on bullets, which could potentially make the difference between breathing or the other thing.
Unless you’re used to being in gunfights, the likelihood of hitting something with a single shot is not very good. You can train all you want on a firing range, but paper targets don’t shoot back.
So when you’re up against an assailant or assailants (plural) who are ALSO armed, you will most definitely need all the help you can get to fend them off.
Another reason to strap on a spare mag is the probability of jamming or some other unfortunate malfunction.
No matter how dependable you think your weapon is, the chances of it malfunctioning are high.
It’s not a matter of IF, it’s a matter of WHEN.
Extra rounds make you less vulnerable should this occur. Plus, with some guns, the only way to clear a jam is with a spare mag.
On the range, a malfunction is just a annoyance. In real life, it could be lethal.
You know those irritating parents who hover non-stop over their kids? Who child-proof anything and everything? Who cause undo anxiety due to their own neurotic fears of the unknown? You know the type.
And I suppose we could all just bubble-wrap ourselves when we’re puttering around the house or wear head-to-toe body armor when we go out. But will that really make us safer or just stress us the hell out???
So yeah, let’s just face the facts and be done with it.
Extra rounds means extra inconvenience. Check.
Spare mags are difficult to conceal. Check.
They can be uncomfortable. Check.
But when you’re being shot at, I promise you, all these little inconveniences will soon be forgotten, because what it comes down to is whether the inconvenience is worth your life.
Something tells me, the inconvenience factor just can’t stack up to the “staying alive” factor.