How To Choose the Best Gun Grip
Proper gun grip is a must! Your carry piece must be an extension of your arm, your hand, and your good judgment! The right or wrong gun grip will have a direct effect on everything from your aim, to your balance, to your trigger pull. So having the most comfortable grip possible is essential for optimal CCW operation.
The bad news is, many handguns have horrible ergonomics. They just don’t feel right when you hold them. Let’s explore the grip texture that best fits your shooting style and carrying needs and ultimately enhances your overall CCW experience.
Basically, it breaks down to two different texture types…
Both are designed to improve your firearm hold, but each texture has specific strengths and weaknesses. Let’s compare and contrast.
Rubber texture is the most popular, probably because it’s the one that’s more versatile. The pebble finish, rubberized material is non-abrasive and won’t snag which makes it perfect for concealed carry. Plus, it feels sooooo good against your skin, which makes the shooting experience that much more enjoyable. Soft hands? This is the grip for you!
Granulate texture, on the other hand (haha, see what I did there?), provides a super-solid grip. Unlike rubber, it feels like your cat’s tongue, a sandpaper-like finish preferred by open carriers, competitive shooters, or military operators. Sweaty hands love this texture, but it can catch on clothing or cause discomfort when it rubs against your skin. That’s why we don’t recommend it for concealed carry, where comfort is key.
Granulate Pros & Cons
- Offers the best grip control in all conditions
- Great for open carry
- Not so great for concealed carry
- Abrasive feel
- Ideal for sweaty hands!
Rubber Pros & Cons
- Perfect for either concealed or open carry
- Will not snag on your clothes or holster
- Super versatile
- Soft feel
Remember, it all comes down to your hands. The hands are the part of the body that interact most directly with a handgun. And how the gun feels in your hands counts for a lot when selecting a CCW for your specific needs.
Becoming a better shooter is all about enhancing your gun control… and the way to do that is by choosing the best gun grip. Happy shooting!