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Pistol Wear PT ONE Concealment Holster Armed Exercise

How To Run and Gun While Carrying Concealed

Carrying Concealed While Doing Your Daily Jog

We at iconcealed.com support a healthy lifestyle… but running with a loaded firearm can be bad for your health!

All that bouncing around can be a big problem for most holsters.

Securing your gun is something most traditional holsters offer. But a standard holster doesn’t provide proper trigger protection if you run with a gun.

Accidents WILL happen when there’s a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on!

Whether at the gym or at your local park, here are a few “Don’ts” for carrying concealed when excessive movement is in the mix:

Don’t Cock Your Gun

Stating the obvious, right? Well, yeah — but you’d be surprised how many joggers do just the opposite.

Better to keep the safety on your handgun even when the holster has some form of trigger guard which could accidentally set off the weapon with excessive vibration.

Don’t Wear A Short Jacket

Longer jackets suck for running but offer the ability to position the weapon further from your body.

OWB holsters work great with sweatshirts or hoodies and are perfect for keeping the concealed gun away from your body while running.

Don’t Carry A Big Gun

Big guns do not conceal well.  Compact firearms are easier to hide while maintaining an athletic lifestyle.

For instance… this might be a little too conspicuous…

Don’t Use An Ankle Holster

The cons outweigh the pros of an ankle holster… literally.

All that extra weight on your legs is bad for your knees, plus the fact that most of the shaking starts in your legs will definitely shake loose your gun.

Better to go with any form of shoulder, tank top or waistband holster. They work wonders at keeping the gun away from your body, hiding the weapon, and causing as little discomfort as possible.

Don’t Underestimate the Bad Guy

Bad stuff happens to good people anytime, anywhere. Better to be prepared than to let your guard down when you’re out doing your daily exercise regimen.

We at iconcealed.com support a healthy, concealed carry lifestyle.

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